Saturday, June 19, 2010

Reminder! Donna Ulisse live @ The Uptown Coffee Cafe - Victoria, VA - July 2nd - Bluegrass Ramble

Hi folks,  I won't take up too much of your time today, but I wanted to tell you, that is, remind you that Donna Ulisse, a native of Hampton, VA will appear in person at the Uptown Coffee Cafe in Victoria, VA on Friday July 2nd.  Here's a a note from Donna:

Hello friends,

Any time I can play in my home state of Virginia, I am one happy girl! I have never been to Victoria but I sure am looking forward to playing there on July 2nd at the Uptown Coffee Cafe. I love playing the big festivals and theaters but there is also something real special about singing in a very intimate setting and being able to visit with everyone in between sets and after the show so I hope you will plan to be there with me and The Poor Mountain Boys on Friday night, July 2, 2010 as we play our hearts out for you.

Tickets are $10.00 each and advance tickets are recommended as seating is limited. You can call and buy tickets at  434-696-3600. The Cafe is located at 1812 Main Street, Victoria, VA 23974. You can learn more about this family owned cafe on their MySpace site. See you there!



Now, to the "Bluegrass Ramble" and this will be short.  I know I've told a lot of you that I would be traveling west to Owensboro, KY to attend the International Bluegrass Music Museum's (IBMM) Bluegrass festival called "River Of Music Party (ROMP).  Boy, I was going for sure.  I had made motel reservations and purchased my advance ticket and had even started planning my itinerary for my five days in Owensboro.  I was ready to go!  All was for nothing when I was reminded I had an appointment with my ophthalmologist.  If any of you ever have to see these specialists you are no doubt aware how difficult it is to reschedule.  Sooooo, with my eyesight a top priority I decided to cancel my plans and, instead, attend the Sedalia Bluegrass Festival after my appointment.  I know I will have a good time at Sedalia because all my friends will be there, but that's not the only reason or even the most important reason.  If you are my age and you grew up in the country or the south you're gonna know exactly what I'm gonna tell you about, but if you're younger and perhaps a city slicker (you varmint!) I'm gonna have to describe what I'm about to tell you.  There's a lady there near Sedalia that fixes "Fried Apple Pies" to sell for a charity.  Now I know you city slickers are wondering what the heck a "Fried Apple Pie" is and I'm gonna tell you.  First you make up a generous amount of home made pie crust.  Be sure you use plenty of shortening and you fold and roll out over and over until you just know it'll be flaky.  But, before you start making the dough you get out a whole bunch of those apples you dried last fall and put them in a bowl with water and lots of cinnamon and sugar to let them begin to reconstitute by soaking up the water.  Then you pinch off little pieces of the pie dough and roll out nice and round.  Put a tablespoon or two of the apples to one side of the crust and then fold over and crimp together with a fork.  Have a cast iron frying pan ready with a half inch or so of shortening (When Mama made them it was lard. Mmm Mmm!) already preheated and fry to a nice golden brown.  I'm gettin' hungry just writing about them.  Well, anyway this lady brings them and I eat so many my eyes bulge.  They are good and bring back many fond memories.

So, come on out to the Sedalia Bluegrass Festival and if you don't do anything else, eat a Fried Apple Pie!


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