Saturday, November 1, 2008

Infamous Stringdusters Celebrate Halloween @ Ashland Coffee & Tea. It Was BOO! teful!

The capacity crowd in the listening room at Ashland Coffee and Tea were treated to over 2 hours of some of the very best contemporary Bluegrass this past Halloween, 2008.  The Infamous Stringdusters were on stage and opened with what I'm sure is their most requested and recognizable songs, "Fork In the Road."  From there things only got better.  Many people say what attracts them to Bluegrass is the way the music can be improvised.  That may be true and it may have seemed that the Stringdusters were improvising last night, but careful observation shows they were playing very carefully thought out music that has orchestral qualities.  Their arrangements are spirited and precise, and that is why the Infamous Stringdusters are held in such high regard.DSC00903 DSC00892 DSC00891 DSC00901

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